
Israel - Death of The 'Jewish' State

Article written by; Nathaneal Kapner Orthodox Christian 'Street Evangelist' of Jewish descent

THE ‘JEWISH’ STATE OF ISRAEL was founded on the premise that Jews and Gentiles cannot get along. Zionist Jews have laid the blame for this upon the Gentiles, although history has proven otherwise. In truth, the Zionists have both fueled and perpetrated this enmity between Jews and Gentiles in their vindication of a ‘Jewish’ homeland in Palestine.

Zionist Jews, with their decades of propaganda via the Jewish-occupied press and media, would have the world believe that the founding and continuation of the Jewish state of Israel is a positive and progressive endeavor. However, in reality, quite the opposite is true. The idea of a Jewish state, is, at its roots, a negative conception that militates against the brotherhood of man.

In 1925, the most vehement protagonist of a Jewish homeland, Jacob Klatzkin, the co-editor of the Encyclopaedia Judaica, laid down the full implications of the Zionist approach to a Jewish homeland.

Klatzkin argued that the only meaningful goal for Zionism was regaining the land of Israel. Along with this goal, Klatzkin called all *'Jewish assimilationists', “traitors to their Judaism.” Klatzkin maintained, in opposition to the assimilationists, that the spiritual definition of Judaism should lead to national chauvinism:

*'Jewish assimilationist' is referenced to Jews with gentile cultural mannerisms

“In the face of Anti-Semitism, we Jews must insist on the rightfulness of our own nationalism. To possess our own national life, we must see ourselves as an alien body within the nations we reside, and thus insist on our own distinct identity.” View Entire Story Here.

However, the problem of this “alien body” residing as a hated people in the Gentile nations that host them, has not been solved by the “rightfulness of Jewish nationalism.” Instead, the problem has expanded into a global pandemic.

The entire world has been in a state of chaos ever since the founding of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948. Indeed, the Zionist argument for a ‘Jewish’ state has been exposed for the hoax and anti-human conception that it is. The world continually witnesses atrocities upon atrocities against the Palestinian people committed by the Israelis and supported by Zionist Jewry worldwide, even up to the present hour.


TWO THREATS TO PRESENT-DAY ZIONISM and the beastial ‘Jewish’ state it has produced, has now come to the fore. Zionist Jews are currently working around the clock to deal with these threats.

The first threat to Zionism is the geopolitical realignment which is now occurring with regard to the nation of Iran and its economic and socio/religious influence globally and in the Middle East.

The second threat to Zionism is an internal threat within Jewry itself, especially within American Jewry. A division is now taking place amongst American Jews which threatens to spread beyond American shores. This division within American Jewry draws a line between Zionist-Jews and Anti-Zionist Jews.

This Great Divide within Jewry began to manifest itself with the recent atrocities committed by the Israelis against innocent Palestinians in Gaza. Outraged by the actions of the Israelis and the support from global Zionist Jewry, many American Jews began calling for the end of US military aid to Israel. And this especially, (which will mean the death of the ‘Jewish’ state), will surely become a matter of contention within Jewry in the months to come. View Entire Story Here.

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