
Unconditional Support of Israel is not Biblical

Acts 10:34,35
"I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism [ between Jew and Gentile] but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right."

Before the church was established and Gentiles began to be converted to Christ, many Jews supposed that God favored them over all other ethnic groups; some had a false notion that merely being Jewish was a sure sign that one was saved (Mathew 3:9; Luke 3:8; 7:30)

As an Evangelical-Pentecostal Christian minister - critical of unconditional support of Israel no matter what they do politically or military because quote; they are the chosen people of God is pure nonsense of an uncritical thinking mind. How many of us - as Christians have really examined Jewish history? history of Biblical eschatology, foundations of modern Zionism movement and their beliefs... instead of parroting what we have been taught at our congregations without giving much thought if this is so, or to historical and biblical fact.

By taking sides in the Middle East conflict - namely the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Christians in the West have made an exemption of persons ( Rom.2:11) due to misinterpretation of Bible prophecy concerning the modern state of Israel. Christians in the West have excluded and accursed people of Palestinian Arab descent (because of Arab progeny), excluded and accursed from the benefit of Christian inclusion for evangelism. Our unconditional and biased support for Israel have caused for most Arabs to repudiate our gospel message.

The Bible clearly teaches that there is no respecter of persons with God, but for Christians in the West, it is hard to realize, especially since man is often given to prejudices. Nevertheless, scripture is emphatic and replete with teaching that presents God as not judging or treating man, any man, with favoritism. In other words, God is just and equitable in His dealings with man, regardless of race, education, or location. ( Acts 10:34,35)

As Christians we may all agree that there are non-negotiables, the essentials of biblical teachings, the virgin birth, death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, this are not negotiable to be considered in God's graces, and we may be right on our expositional teachings 99% of the time, but what "if" we are wrong on that crucial 1% of our eschatology? How will God hold us accountable if we are wrong in our support of Israel? after all did'nt God come to establish a spiritual kingdom instead of a political establishment.

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