
What Would Jesus Do? What would Jesus Say?

Mathew 5:9
"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God"

Because I still have a conscience, and even though I'm a Christian by God's grace, I protest and denounce the Evangelical Christian mandate to allow Israeli Jews to act in criminal ways with impunity against Palestinians.
What a contradiction! 'pro-life' pastors in America embrace war mongering, culture of death for the 'unchosen' Palestinian children of Gaza, all for the sake of Israel. God says in your Bible Mr. and Mrs Christian, He is no respecter of persons, so, why do you make exceptions of persons? This is where your misguided theology of Israel has taken you. You have consented to genocide. There is no denying, everything Palestinian parents taught their children about Israel has become true to the surviving children in their short lifetime.

Look at the horror, the horror, and the terror they experienced before they died. The whole creation of God screams out for justice, for what this beast-man of Israel have inflicted. I denounce you as hypocrites and I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus Christ John Hagee, Rod Parsley, Gary Bauer and all the leadership of CUFI as apostates of the Christian faith. Look at this pictures, this is not of God, this is terror of the worst kind. What would Jesus do? what would He say to you Mr. John Hagee and all the leadership of CUFI ?

I beg the question; What would Jesus do? What would Jesus say to you? - Mr. John Hagee, Rod Parsley, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), your hands are stained with the blood of this innocent children, whose only crime is being born in the wrong place, you consent for Israel's military to this indiscriminate killing, your blind and unconditional support of Israel have made them commit this crimes against defenseless children, you have made Israel's military into unconsciounable beast-man.

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